Monday, August 22, 2011

I just wanted to share a couple of gems from the last week that I don't want to leave undocumented:

Liliana: "Let's play pretend. Mommy, you have to watch my children while I go to work."
Me: "Okay, and what do you do for a living anyway?"
Liliana: "Well, I just run a lot. And then I do this." (swinging arms violently around)

Yesterday, I went to check on her while she was supposed to be napping and found her playing in her brother's room. I stuck my head in and said, "Whatcha doing?" And she says, "Oh, just playing with Lilie and Penelope (sounds totally cute when she says it)" I asked who they are and she walks over to the bed, leans down under it, and sticks her hand out and puts it on the floor. She excitedly said, "Lilie and Penelope, do you want to meet my mommy?" She scooped up her imaginary rodents? animals? friends? and gently carried them over to me for proper introductions.

This morning I was getting ready for work and Lilie joined me to brush her teeth. She was wandering around the bathroom and then sat down on my bathroom scale. Suddenly she exclaimed, "Mommy! Come look at what number my bum costs!"

Sunday, August 14, 2011

The Birthday That Never Ended

Liliana celebrated her birthday with her friends today.  Her real birthday was August 4, and since then she's received the occasional card or package.  It's been almost a ten-day birthday celebration!

We had Brian and Marci and Brianna and Cameron and Laney.  We had Tim and Gretchen and Nathan and Tyler and Aiden.  We had Grandma.  We had Chris and Mary and Julian and Joel.  We had Linda and Amy and Payton.  It was quite a crowd!

We also had shaving cream.  About twenty dollars' worth.  I'd honestly never participated in a shaving cream fight - brilliant thinking on Katie's part!  It was fun for almost everyone...

Of course, the blog likes to sort the pictures chronologically.  So we actually start around Lilie's real birthday.

Where is your mother?!

Lilie opening her gift from Nana and Papa in Texas.

She actually later turned this gift into a pig named Casey!

Kittens - and it sparkles!

Mommy knows her girl: a nail polish buffet!