Friday, April 2, 2010

New Pictures!!

Visit from Nana and Papa:
Last month, Jason's parents came to town and we got to have a spectacular visit with them! I wish I'd taken more pictures; next time I'll do better!

Liliana adores her Nana and Papa!

She also really enjoys her chocolate, if you can't tell.

Running off the sugar rush

Saying goodbye was hard.

A couple miscellaneous pictures from last month:

Beautiful girls!

Trip to Overland Park, KS:
Last weekend we took a trip to Daddy's hometown to see where the legend began!

We visited his high school and even got to visit with two of his old teachers

Daddy demonstrated how he earned his community-service credits;
by helping the freshmen down the stairs like this.

Hall monitor

"You'd better have a pass, mister!"

"All this monitoring is hard work."

Daddy shows Liliana the fashion of his day.

Can...ahlllmost...reach it

What is it they say..."Once a Thespian, always a Thespian"?

We also visited Union Station in Kansas City. It was really neat with lots of fun things to do and see!

Like the Sky Bike

and for the not-so-brave: the water table
She did like the helicopter. Really, she did.

Not only is he a gigantic, cuddly teddy bear, he also loves chocolate as much as she does!

Liliana was no fan of the crocodile

Daddy engaged in a serious discussion...with a mural. :)

Ginormous elevator. This was taken from right outside the door.

We visited several places around town too.

This is where Jason learned to play baseball. (Before they paved it and put buildings on it)

Swing break

Jason and Liliana with Jason's aunts and uncles

Liliana, Mommy, Aunt Cheris, and Aunt Ann

Proof that Daddy made a huge impact on the city while he lived there. He has a large deli chain named after him!

House where Daddy grew up!

His old favorite donut shop; still in business!

Daddy walked these stepping stones as a child

Daddy also played here as a child. The buildings have been rebuilt, of course. It *was* a long, long time ago. Sticks and mud just can't compare to modern materials. (Love you, honey!)

That's all the pictures I can post for now but it was such a fun time! Also, I'm hoping to get some short video of Liliana posted later this week. For anyone who hasn't seen her in awhile, it's amazing what a little chatterbox she has become. She's speaking in short sentences and can communicate her wants and likes...and dislikes. ;) It's so awesome to watch her become this beautiful little person!