Friday, October 31, 2008

Baby's First Halloween!

Lilie is trying to "help" me type tonight (with her hands and her forehead, actually) so I have to keep this brief. However, I wanted to update because I have reason to believe that Aunt Tina was planning to inflict bodily harm on me if I didn't post new pictures pronto! :)

Monkey girl

A monkey's uncle!

Going banannas over her favorite fella
Bath time fun


Loving quality time with Aunt Mar-Mar

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Surprise Visit!

It was late Friday night...Lilie and I were relaxing on the couch, playing, and watching Leno when we heard footsteps and pawsteps on the front porch. There was a knock at the door and when we went to go investigate we found Grampaw & Grammaw H & two cute dogs! They drove all the way from Iowa to visit us! What a wonderful surprise!

Liliana loved meeting her Grampaw and playing Peek-A-Boo with him.

She also loved meeting her Grammaw H but she was hungry in this picture. She fell asleep in Grammaw's arms the night before but I missed that picture, darn it!
I also forgot to take pictures of Lilie with the dogs. Bear and Dexter thought Lilie was pretty interesting; they were quite curious about the little person. Anyone who has met Lilie knows that she is very kissable and apparently the dogs are no exception--they gave her some good smooches. Grampaw & Grammaw had to leave on Saturday but it was a really fun visit!

Here are a couple more pictures from this weekend:

Liliana dressed up for church
Matching Pedi's
More swing fun
Lilie's rabid animal impression Happy girl

I've been trying to post smaller pictures so they don't take up so much room. If you want to view them larger, you should be able to click on them and they will open bigger. Use the 'Back' button on your browser to go back to the blog after viewing. Also, feel free to leave comments on her blog if you'd like. Just click on the 'Comments' link below. Even if you don't want to comment, thanks for looking. I absolutely love sharing pictures of this precious girl! Love, Katie

Monday, October 13, 2008

The Princess Diaries--Week 10

Liliana had her two-month checkup with the doctor last week. She's now up to a scale-tipping 12 lbs, 10.5 oz and 22 and 3/4 inches long! The doctor and nurses were impressed with her growth and she's now in the 75th percentile for her age. This appointment also included her first set of shots. I didn't think I would be able to stop myself from sucker-punching the nurse when she came at Liliana with the needles so Daddy volunteered to take her. He reported that while she did get a little upset, she handled them pretty well. Thank goodness he was there to hold her hand, I think that helped a lot!

This weekend was full of excitement! Aunt Mar-Mar threw an awesome party for Uncle Brian's 30th Birthday. Aunt Tina, Uncle Brian, and Brayden came to town for the party so we got to hang out with them. Liliana also got to meet Lori, my good friend from school, who was also at the party. Here are some pictures from the weekend and a couple other pictures from this week:

Good luck finding babies cuter than these two

Uncle Brian (G)

Sleepy boy
Lilie bug with her ladybug
Liliana's pretty party dress
The Gang
Lori with Brayden
Yep, Liliana is one of "those" girls who takes her clothes off at parties. ;) Aunt Mar-Mar and Lilie

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Already Two Months Old

This week was my first full week back at work. Although leaving Liliana every morning is pretty brutal, we are slowly getting into a routine. Lilie has been having a lot of fun with Gowwow during the day and knowing that she's with her loving grandma makes it a little easier to be away from her. Knowing that I have a beautiful and captivating baby waiting for me to get home and play makes it easier to get through my work day too. In fact, it's such a good motivator that I'm thinking of proposing we start paying all of our employees in baby smiles instead of money.

Today Gowwow reported that Liliana rolled herself over from her stomach to her back! The experts say babies typically do this between 2-3 months. For the record she's two days shy of that two-month's obvious that we have a child genius on our hands.

I'm hoping to purchase a video camera soon so I'll be able to share even more of her preciousness. For now, here are some more still shots: