Sunday, May 12, 2013

March/Apr/May 2013 Catchup

I know, I know...I'm awful at time management and I'm terribly behind on blog posts.  Here's a recap of our past couple of months: 
Liliana colored Easter eggs (photobombed by Daddy)

We welcomed Baby Gianna to the world! (Here she is with her proud big sis)

Liliana had her first experience with the ice cream truck. (Formerly known only as "the music van")

She used her own money to buy herself a horse (the only kind we can afford)
She planted a shoe-box garden!

She created some Mother's Day artwork for me at school

Liliana started playing soccer.  Her first game was a FAIL but the second game went much better.

She was fierce on the field!  She got in there and fought for the ball.  She even scored a goal!  The goal was for the other team but we were still cheering like crazy people from the sidelines. 

Liliana had grass stains on both knee bones from a couple of spills in the game.  She was so proud of them!

On Mother's Day, we went for a drive in beautiful Defiance. We ended up at the Yellow Farmhouse winery.  It was a beautiful day - perfect for sitting out on their hill with a glass of wine and some snacks.  Liliana quickly (within 3 minutes) made two friends and played with them for a couple of hours. 

Jason and I enjoyed the view from our chairs.

And loved watching her socialize.

Liliana took this picture of us. 
She's my funny girl!

And my sweetheart!


The winery gave these beautiful roses to all of the lucky Mommas. This bee thought it was beautiful too.

And spent lots of time getting up-close and personal with it.

He finally got bored and flew away (much to Liliana's relief).     

That about sums it up!  I promise to post more often than every two months now!  :)

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