Sunday, May 26, 2013


Liliana has started to express herself through her art.

On more than one occasion, after a heartbreaking experience (like Daddy saying 'no' or offering some discipline), Liliana has resorted to visual media to express her deep, heart-felt emotions.  So far, she has eschewed watercolors, chalk, pencil and pen in favor of the age-old favorite... the MagnaDoodle.

One morning she presented me with a portrait in pain after our argument about the cup she'd use for breakfast.  Her latest depiction represents the time that Mommy had to restrict Lilie's access to her best next-door friend, Trey.

Here we see the entire artist's toolbox, and the frame.

I've added some details: Liliana drew herself, with intense sadness, because when Mommy opened the door, Liliana had to tell Trey that she couldn't play with him.

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