Thursday, March 1, 2012

Another One Bites the Dust

For as long as she's been talking about it, Lilie has called it 'nilk'.

"Daddy, may you get me a glass of nilk please?"

"Mommy, have you seen my nilk?"

We mourn the loss of nilk today.  Try as we might to cling to it, Lilie is actually correcting us: "It's 'milk'!"

It could be worse; as her vocabulary expands we're treated to brief periods where she slaughters a word.  'Intack' has had quite a run, as in

"Daddy, would you lay on the ground and let me intack you?"  This usually involves a wrestling match, in which she throws me to the floor, shouts "Intaaaaaacccck!" and then jumps on my stomach and chest.  We're thinking about filming it and selling it as a video titled 'When Toddlers Intack'....


Lilie invaded our bed the other night.  We've become pretty adept at getting her back under her own blankets, but this time she managed to sneak in - until I woke up because she'd put her foot on my face.

Instinct told me that she'd turned herself perpendicular to us, and had her head resting on Katie somewhere.  I sat up to correct the situation, and was surprised to find her feet splayed out by our heads, and her head lolling on the bed near our kneecaps.

She looked amazingly tall.  Where has the Lilie gone that fit sideways between us?

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