Friday, September 28, 2012

Rain, Rain, Come and Stay

We caught a break from the drought - not necessarily the heat - on September 1.  Rain swept through the area, the kind of intermittent showers that were brief, unpredictable and lots of fun because they were warm. 

I remember playing at the end of our cul-de-sac when I was younger.  We would build a series of dams that caught the water running down our street, then play in the puddles that resulted.  Those were good times! 

I came home from work and found Katie sheltering in the garage while Lilie enjoyed the weather.  The only thing missing was the camera.  I grabbed it, and here are the results:

I have an idea. Let's do something over here!

I don't like that idea!

Are you... sure?

These beautiful eyes belong to my wife, and there's another picture later that makes them cute too.

Lilie handled her disappointment well.

She confronted her mother,

and then pouted.

The pout turned into some vougeing.

The vogueing turned to Hulk-like rage...

...and then she was done!  THAT is how we deal with our emotions.

Well, that and some puddle jumping.



More crazy beautiful eyes.


Well... this is really creepy.  Sorry about that.

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