Friday, September 28, 2012

Decation, All I Ever Wanted

Among Liliana's "created words" is 'decation', which technically means 'vacation'.

We took a decation to celebrate Fake Thanksgiving and Fake Christmas with our family.  We traveled to sunny Omaha, Nebraska.

The Chicago Golwitzer (Brian, Tina, Brayden and Emily) family was there, and the new Washington D.C./Guyana Yamini (Bethany and Hatef) family.  The Haberer (Aaron, Dina and Reese) family were our gracious hosts.  Add a Grandma, and a Buxton family, and you have a recipe for adventure!

We had an awesome time.  There were late nights.  There were yummy meals.  There was fishing, and a bonfire.  There was swimming at the hotel, in a pool that was heated on Thursday, tepid on Friday, and I swear fifty degrees on Saturday.  Not that toddlers are affected by temperature.  If it's a pool, they're in it, and expect you to brave hypothermia to play.  But I'm not bitter about that.  Not one BIT!

Here are the pictures:

Yeah, they caught a fish.  Heck yeah!

Liliana calls this her 'crazy cat lady' jacket and hat.

The breakfast club!

We celebrated Reese's birthday too!

We had brunch at the 11 Worth Cafe. They have terrific food that they serve in REALLY REALLY large servings.

Uhm... does this one bite?

Photobombed by a fish!

The sky lift that took us over the zoo.

Does Katie's grip seem a little... tight?

Yeah, those knuckles are definitely white.  I think Aaron is explaining how the sky lift hardly ever crashes.

It's a bat!  Eating my finger a strawberry.

An alligator, snuggling an alligator snapping turtle.  Sounds like the start of a bad joke, amiright?

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