Wednesday, May 2, 2012

You've Got to Move It

We're growing a vegetable garden this year.  Well, more accurately: we haven't killed our vegetable plants.  Yet.

We started some seeds in pink Solo cups on our kitchen windowsill.  Corn and red sunflowers (those should be interesting, if they make it).  Both are doing well so far.  The sunflowers are growing long and spindly, and are constantly bending to the light from the window.  I try to rotate the cups so they can straighten out again, and was frustrated on Sunday to discover them pressed against the window shortly after I'd twisted them the other direction.

I decided it would be cool to catch them in the act.  I found a free program that manages time-lapse photographs, and hooked up a cheap webcam to the computer.  I put the webcam on one of the cups at the end of the windowsill, rotated all the plants to face into the kitchen, and configured the program to take a picture every thirty seconds from eight in the morning to noon.

I watched the first few pictures as they were taken, and was amazed to see that there was visible movement even in just thirty seconds.

I showed the results to Lilie when we got home.  She gasped:

"Are they magical???"

We added some music, and here's the result.


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