Tuesday, January 31, 2012


I've been volunteering with my son's robotics team at the local high school.  Lilie helps me out each Tuesday night, and has become pretty well known by the kids and the other volunteers.

I was focused on some computer work tonight, and Lilie was getting pretty fidgety.  Finally she insisted that I help her put on her coat (the soft one that's a rainbow of colors) because she was cold.  She dawdled around the table where I was working in the cafeteria, eyeing the classroom nearby where all the kids were working on the robot.  Eventually Lilie explained the following to me:

"Daddy," she whispered. "I'm going to go unlock some things in there.  Don't worry.  Nobody will realize me with my coat on."  She spent the next twenty minutes tiptoeing over to the door of the classroom and retreating with squealing laughter when someone 'realized' her.   -- Jason

Tonight, at bedtime, I asked Liliana what story she wanted to hear.  She answered that she wanted to hear an owl story.  It was late, I was tired and needed to tell something quick so I made up the following tale:

One day there was a little girl walking in the woods.  She came upon an owl.  She said to the owl, "Mr. Owl, what is your favorite flower?"  The owl answered, "Whoooo."  The little girl said, "No, not who.  What! What is your favorite flower?"  The owl answered, "Whoooo."  The little girl said again, "No!  Not who.  What?"  The owl answered, "Whoooo."  The little girl started to get frustrated.  She stomped her foot and said, "NOOO!  Not who.  WHAT is your favorite flower?"  The owl answered, "Roses" and flew away.  The End.

Now, I personally thought it was funny and that Lilie would get a kick out of it.  However, one look at her told me that was not the case.  There was no laughter, no giggles.  Only a a clear look of disgust on her pretty little face when she informed me, "I'm going to tell Daddy you told me a short story."  --Katie

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