Sunday, January 15, 2012

Garlic, soil and poster.

We know it's been a while...  I'll cull some pics from the past month or so for our next post.  In the meantime:

We were cleaning up Christmas, which is kind of difficult for a three-year-old to do.  Katie was dismantling the garland she had wrapped around the banister and asked Lilie to bring it to me.  I was taking ornaments off the tree when Lilie handed it to me.

"Daddy, here's the garlic."

Lilie was working waaaay too slowly on a piece of toast one morning.  We asked if she wanted to take it with her in the car.

"Can we put it in soil?"
"Soil?  You don't want to take it with you?"
"I want it!"
"Okay, honey - okay!...  Let's get going then."
"Can we wrap it in soil first?"

We only figured it out when Lilie actually went to the drawer and got the aluminum foil herself...

"Put up the poster!  Put up the poster slide!"

We were horsing around on our bed when Lilie made the request.  I eventually figured out she wanted me to raise my knees so she could climb up on top and then slide down.  We still hadn't figured it out exactly until she got more specific:

"Daddy Daddy!  Put up the roller poster slide!"

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