Monday, December 12, 2011


We were horsing around in the living room, wrestling and playing while Grandma watched from the couch.  Lilie took a break from the action and started piling things on top of Grandma: a pillow.  A blanket.  A stuffed animal.  Toys.  Shoes.

"What are you doing?" asked Grandma as Lilie capped the pile with a pillow across her face.

"I don't want you to see what's going to happen next."


Lilie had talked her mommy into buying some vanilla wafers for her after a pit stop.  Katie asked for a cookie and Lilie gladly shared.  The first cookie only whet her appetite, and a few minutes later Katie asked for another.

"Jeez Louise, mommy, you're gonna eat all my cookies!"

For the record - she did share another with her mommy...


Katie recently taught Lilie how to sit 'criss-cross-applesauce'.  It's a catchy phrase, you have to admit.  Tonight, Lilie chanted it on the way back to Illinois to drop Grandma at home.

"Criss-cross-applesauce.  Criss-cross-applesauce."

Lilie chanted it when they stopped at a gas station to tinkle.  She chanted it on the way into the house.  She chanted it while they climbed the stairs to the bathroom, and she chanted it while she tinkled. 

Lilie was chanting it, standing on the step stool as she reached into the sink to wash her hands.  Katie was struggling to help her get her pants back up when Lilie stopped chanting abruptly.  She turned and cradled Katie's face in her hands, pulling it inches away from her own.  Lilie locked eyes with her mother and spoke low and slow.

"The one who says that never returns."  It was so random and simply hilarious! 

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