Sunday, November 27, 2011

From the mouth of a 3-year-old

I just wanted to share and document a few of the funny things Liliana has said over the last couple of weeks:

1)  Lilie and I were in the car, driving down the road, when a truck got in front of us that was putting off some pretty smelly fumes.  Liliana said, "Ewww.  I smell a skunk!"  There was a pause and then she said a little quieter, "Or maybe it's a raccoon that hasn't taken a bath."

2)  I was telling Liliana about something that happened at my work and she apparently didn't hear the last part of what I just said.  She politely interrupted me and said, "Repeat that."  (Two of Daddy's famous words.)

3)  Liliana and I were headed into the library when she explained to me that she was going to leave her friend (stuffed animal puppy) in the car because she saw the sign on the door and it said, "No puppies allowed." 

4)  Daddy was saying something silly to Liliana (I can't remember exactly what) but she stopped what she was doing and looked at him with this fake serious expression and said, "Really, Daddy?!"  Just like a teenager. 

5)  Here are two totally random statements she gave me:  "Daddy's so smart - and he's good at learning too!"  and "We need husbands and goodness and love.  And of course, water."  

6)  And a good question, "Mommy, what shape is your ear?"  Umm...ear shaped?

7)  We were in the car playing I-spy and it was Liliana's turn.  She said, "Ok.  I spy with my little eye something....uhhh....mommy, what color is this?"  (Holding up the toy in her hand).  Don't worry, I played along a couple more rounds before guessing the toy. 

8)  We were in the car tonight and Lilie made a comment that neither of us heard for sure. 
Jason:  "Is that so?"
Liliana:  "Ya."
Jason: "Wait.  Repeat that?" (Now curious of what she originally said.)
Liliana:  "Yaaaaaaa!"

She is strong-willed and often stubbornly determined to do things Liliana-style but she is such a ray of sunshine in our lives and so much fun! 

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