Sunday, July 24, 2011

Saint Louis Zoo

We went to the zoo with the Bennett family on Saturday - early in the morning, to take advantage of free admission to the Children's Zoo and Carousel.  Oh, and also to avoid suffering in the extreme heat.

Well... one out of two wasn't bad.  We went cheap, but we went hot.  How is it that temperature means nothing when you're under 6 years old?

Here are the pics.  Since I'm not offering commentary, I'll just list the participants: Brian, Marci, Brianna, Cameron (he's the dude with the mohawk), Laney, Liliana, Katie and me.  (Yes, that's the correct use of 'me'.)

...ah yes - I forgot to mention that the day was capped with some lawn-sprinkler frolics.

I'd also like to point out that - unlike in some other, quick-to-publish blogs - all photographs that were not taken in 'landscape' were actually rotated to their proper orientation before we published our post.  We feel this gives our blog a classier look, and reflects the proper appreciation of its readers...  Ahem.  You know who you are!

1 comment:

GowWow (Darla N) said...

Did Liliana really touch that snake that was in the Bennett's pictures? Wow... she has really come a long ways! Love all of you!