Sunday, July 31, 2011

Daddy's Birthday

It's my birthday today, and besides a hug and a kiss on the cheek, Lilie has given me a couple of gems to share with you.

Mommy:  "Lilie, do you want to give Daddy his present?"

Lilie (looking at Daddy):  "Daddy, we bought you a book!"

Mommy:  "Lilie, it's supposed to be a surprise!"

Lilie (not missing a beat):  "Daddy, we bought you a surprise book!"
Katie let me sleep in for a bit, and Lilie helped her make cinnamon rolls from scratch... and for some reason Lilie has decided to call them 'squirrels'.

"Mommy, are the squirrels ready yet?"

"Not yet, darling - they're still getting hot in the oven."

Minutes later...

"Mommy, are the squirrels still hot?"

It's a conversation you'd expect to hear in Arkansas...


Bettina said...

She is just too cute!!! Just can't wait to see you guys.

Rudd Family said...

Happy birthday Jason!