Saturday, January 29, 2011

Got it?

We found ourselves at Subway the other day for lunch, and at Lilie's insistence, we stayed there to eat.  What luck!  Lilie was an angel - and a ham - the whole time we were there.

She finished a pretty decent lunch with a cookie, but was chipping away at it so slowly that we wondered if we'd get out of there before dinner.  Lilie really knows how to enjoy her dessert...  We thought we could speed things up if we pretended to sneak bites of her cookie.  Fortunately, she decided to turn it into a game.

"Uh oh!  I'm going to take a bite of your cookie!"

"No, no, Daddy!" Lilie would turn from whatever she was pretending to watch out the window.  "You don't take a bite of my cookie!" 

Giggling, she'd turn her back to us and peer out the window again, craning her head around to 'catch' us out the corner of her eye.  Katie slowly crept a hand onto the table, and crinkled the wrapper noisily while making munching sounds.

Lilie spun on her.  "No, no, Mommy!  I'm looking out the window to see what's out there for us, and you don't take a bite of my cookie."  She paused, and caught Katie's eye.  "Understand?"

We've been trying to use 'Do you understand?' instead of 'Okay?' as confirmation of Lilie's understanding something - especially when it comes to discipline or consequences.  When you ask a two-year-old if something's 'okay?', it kinda leaves you open to having the child say 'no'.  It's apparently working!

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