Monday, December 13, 2010

The Mouse Story

One day last week, I was telling Jason about my day at work while Liliana listened in. That particular day had involved a near encounter with a mouse so I was telling him the story: My coworker, Mary, was standing at my desk and we were chatting (about something work-related, of course) when all of a sudden she screamed. Then she pointed. Then she was nearly speechless for a few seconds when all she could say was, "Ewww, Eww, Eww!" A mouse had run out from under her desk and ran into the computer room. She was startled and we were all a little skeeved out.

I guess the story was extra interesting to Liliana (or maybe it was just my dramatic retelling of the story that intrigued her) but she started asking-several times a day--"What happened to that mouse?" So I probably told her the story about three more times before she started telling it herself. Now she looooooves to hear and tell the story to anyone who will listen. This video did require a little coaching because she tends to freeze up any time I pull out the video camera, however, I think I caught the essence of it.

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