Thursday, November 18, 2010

Dinner Table Conversation

Tonight Liliana and I sat down at the table to eat supper.

Liliana: "How was your day, Mommy?"  (I love that she asks this)
Me: "It was good, how was your day?" 
L:  "Good." 
Me: "What did you do today?"
L:  (Looks up at the ceiling and thinks for a few seconds)  "Uhhhhh....I.....picked my nose in the crib.  In the crib at Ms. Kim's house."  (Big smile)
It must have been pretty memorable. 

The following conversation happened last night while we were playing with Play-Doh:

L:  "Will you make me a horse?"
Me:  "Uh, sure."  (A little hesitant because I have less than zero artistic talent but I thought--what the heck, she's two.  She won't care what it looks like, right?  Wrong.) 
L:  (before I even get halfway done) "NOO!  That's NOT a horse, that's a helicopter!"
Personally, I thought it looked like neither.  

1 comment:

Braymere said...

Poor Lilie! Send her to me and I will make her a horse. :)