Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Sitting pretty

So much to report, so little time! Lilie has officially started laughing and "talking". Her laugh is, of course, the most amazing sound I've ever heard. I do have a little video of her talking that I'm hoping to be able to post soon (I just have to figure out how...) and I'm trying to capture some of that precious laughter for you. Her talking consists mostly of shrieks and coo's but the funniest thing is the faces she makes when she's having a conversation with you or one of her stuffed animals. It's like Jason said, "She thinks it doesn't matter what's coming out of her mouth as long as she's moving her mouth like yours."

She has also started rolling over, the little firecracker. She has been rolling from tummy to back for awhile now but just last week she made her first back-to-tummy roll! I hope she doesn't get mobile too fast on us...I'm just not ready for a crawler yet. As you'll see below, she's also sitting up enough on her own to be able to sit in her Bumbo. Daddy and I are thinking of graduating her to an Exersaucer soon; that's sure to be really exciting! I think she's going to love jumping up and down.

Bath time has also become one of her favorites. She L-O-V-E-S to kick and splash in the water. I think Mommy and Daddy get nearly as wet as she does.

Sorry it's been taking me awhile to update the blog, things have just been pretty busy. Here are some pictures of the princess and I'm promising video soon. Love to all!

Race car driver

Such a big girl


*What* are you doing, Mommy?

More post-bath shots

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