Thursday, October 2, 2008

Already Two Months Old

This week was my first full week back at work. Although leaving Liliana every morning is pretty brutal, we are slowly getting into a routine. Lilie has been having a lot of fun with Gowwow during the day and knowing that she's with her loving grandma makes it a little easier to be away from her. Knowing that I have a beautiful and captivating baby waiting for me to get home and play makes it easier to get through my work day too. In fact, it's such a good motivator that I'm thinking of proposing we start paying all of our employees in baby smiles instead of money.

Today Gowwow reported that Liliana rolled herself over from her stomach to her back! The experts say babies typically do this between 2-3 months. For the record she's two days shy of that two-month's obvious that we have a child genius on our hands.

I'm hoping to purchase a video camera soon so I'll be able to share even more of her preciousness. For now, here are some more still shots:

1 comment:

Bettina said...

I LOVE the second to last one! And, the cone head baby one!!! Lilie makes smile.... :)