Friday, September 12, 2008


As I mentioned earlier this week, Lilie really is starting to develop her personality. Today I was able to catch some great examples of this while she was playing in her swing and bouncy seat. This is very picture heavy; I actually took even more and had to pick just some to post here. Hope you enjoy these faces as much as I do!

What is that?
After a lengthy observation, she decided that the frog must be food. (I admit that still confuses and slightly disturbes me)...
Trying it...
One more try...
Nope, not edible and therefore no fun.
Miscellaneous cuteness:
Lilie's bouncy seat makes water and bird noises. I don't know if the cat was more interested in the baby or finding out if the baby was harboring stray Robins that wouldn't be missed.

I was trying to make her smile so I was making faces (and there may have been some silly noises involved too). I didn't capture a smile this time but I thought this face was pretty dang cute too. Even if she was looking at me like I'm a crazy lady.
"McCain or Obama? Mmmm...I just can't decide."

1 comment:

Bettina said...

She is just too cute!!! Keep those pictures coming! Lilie, we can't wait to see you tomorrow!
BTW - about your last question, we can talk more, but Aunt Tina's advice is to go with Mr. O! :)

Another random BTW - my captcha this time was "nnxxhgnf". Weird one!!! Pronounce that!