Sunday, April 3, 2011

Snakes in the kitchen!

True story:

My mom was babysitting Liliana at my house yesterday and I was on the phone with her when she suddenly starting screaming. When Grandma could finally talk again, she told me that there was a snake on my kitchen counter! Jason and I were about an hour away but fortunately, my neighbor was home and he came over right away and saved Lilie and my mom from the big, bad snake. We can't figure out how the snake possibly got into the house and how he (or she) was able to get on the counter top but we're pretty sure it was one bizarre, isolated incident. As creepy as it was, I love to hear Lilie retell the story over and over again.

1 comment:

Erin said...

Creepy!! I am SO not a fan of snakes! Only Liliana could make it seem tolerable - even endearing :)