Sunday, January 25, 2009

Our own little Mariah

Lilie learned how to "sing" a couple of months ago and she's been fine-tuning her skills since. All of her practice paid off this week when she finally hit the highest note known to man! And she can hold it for a very....long....time. Yes, she's a little screamer now. I call her my little pterodactyl. I still find it very endearing but it's only been a couple of days. I'll get back to you in about a week and let you know if it's still cute to be living with a little Mariah Carey.

Lilie had her first visit with the eye doctor this weekend too. We weren't concerned about her vision or anything it was just that she and Daddy accompanied me to my appointment and while we were there, the doctor asked to look at Lilie's eyes. We were amazed that the doctor could tell anything at this age but she says it looks like Lilie is near-sighted. Bummer. I sure don't see anything wrong with those blue eyes. Hopefully it will be awhile before she requires glasses.

Here are some cute pictures, mostly in her exersaucer where she enjoys playing a lot these days.

Please excuse our messy hair but I *love* when she makes this face

1 comment:

Bettina said...

That is an ADORABLE face!!! And, a sippy cup... WOW! You may have to get some video of that singing for us to hear. Sounds like a good time!